Louis-Ferdinan Celine, the revolutionary and famous French writer, has gained an unconquerable place in world literature with Time to Travel to the End of the Night and has always been praised by critics and readers. Celine was a doctor and wrote his ...
Louis-Ferdinan Celine, the revolutionary and famous French writer, has gained an unconquerable place in world literature with Time to Travel to the End of the Night and has always been praised by critics and readers. Celine was a doctor and wrote his treatise about one of the geniuses of medical science named Ignatius Philip Semmelweis (1818-1865). Dr. Semmelweis found that infections spread to patients through midwives and doctors, and if they wash their hands before attending the delivery. The rate of postpartum fever and maternal mortality will decrease significantly. The medical community at that time was not ready to accept Semmelweis's findings, and despite the existence of clear evidence in support of his theories, he was rejected and abandoned, and transferred to a mental hospital. After many years, it became clear what a great service this Hungarian doctor has given to medical science and humanity, and now he is known and praised as one of the pioneers of disinfection in the world. Dr. Semmelweis is a book written by a genius about another genius. This book well depicts the fears and hopes of heroes who were beyond their time.
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