The book "The Double Death of Quincas Water-Bray" is a Brazilian modernist novel written in 1959. The book is about what happens after Quincas Vatrill, a popular scoundrel living in the slums of Salvador, Bahia, is found dead one morning. T ...
The book "The Double Death of Quincas Water-Bray" is a Brazilian modernist novel written in 1959. The book is about what happens after Quincas Vatrill, a popular scoundrel living in the slums of Salvador, Bahia, is found dead one morning. Two groups of people compete for Quincas' memory: his new friends and his old family. For his family, led by his daughter Wanda, Quincas Vatrill is Joaquim Suarez da Cuna, a former "exemplary employee of the State Rent Board." According to Wanda, her father disgraced the family by walking out, calling Wanda and her mother Dona Otacilia "vipers" and Wanda's husband, Leonardo, a "stupid ass". Despite their best efforts to hide what really happened, Joaquim Suarez da Cuna became Quincas, the "Vagabond King of the Honkytonks" and the "Patriarch of Whores." Leonardo tries to hide it from his colleagues, and Wanda tries to keep it from her friends, but they cannot ignore the fame that Joaquim Suarez da Cunha has gained in the local press as Quincas Vatrill.
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