Ilya's comic is the story of a teenager named Amir Ali, who, accompanied by a group of friends with different characteristics, sets foot on a path where various events await them. Each of them has different characteristics and distinct talents, which ...
Ilya's comic is the story of a teenager named Amir Ali, who, accompanied by a group of friends with different characteristics, sets foot on a path where various events await them. Each of them has different characteristics and distinct talents, which result in different adventures throughout the story. During the story, according to their talents and efforts, they receive powers from a supernatural source to stand against the dark forces that have united to destroy mankind. Evil forces under the supervision of "Qain" and in huge organizations that have existed since the beginning of history, spread oppression and darkness all over the planet. Their guide in this battle is an old man who has been leading the fighting forces for thousands of years. Now it is Elijah who is chosen by his sacrifice to fight against oppression.
With the treatment of the disease and the escape Nathan, apparently, the city is back to normal conditions, but these events are only one side of the coin. In the world of fighters, there are many adventures going on that Ilya is unaware of. After Nathan's defeat, many eyes are staring at this young fighter; The eyes of those who are waiting to defeat him at the first opportunity. Ilya and his friends are unaware of these events, but they know that they will not see peace until they destroy the enemies. Let's join Ilya to see what threats he will face and how he will stand against them.
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