Very early on, this son of a Catholic and landed family imbued with the ideals of right-thinking France was driven by a great desire for social and intellectual advancement. Very quickly, he felt superior to his masters in psychiatry. He was indeed, ...
Very early on, this son of a Catholic and landed family imbued with the ideals of right-thinking France was driven by a great desire for social and intellectual advancement. Very quickly, he felt superior to his masters in psychiatry. He was indeed, and spent his life criticizing old values, those of his vinegar-making ancestors, those of the supporters of psychoanalytic legitimacy.
The story of Jacques Lacan is the story of a Balzacian destiny: the youth of Louis Lambert, the maturity of Horace Bianchon, the old age of Balthazar Claës. But it is also the story of a thought that, after that of Freud, wanted to tear man away from the universe of religion, the occult and dreams at the risk of staging the permanent impotence of reason, light and truth to carry out this tearing away.
At the heart of the book, characters: masters, friends, rivals, disciples, the family circle. But also: Koyré, Kojève, Bataille, Heidegger, Sartre, Althusser, Lévi-Strauss, Jakobson. Around each of them is expressed Lacan's passion: to master time, to meet the great of this world, to collect objects, to seduce women, but, also and above all, to build a system of thought based on the determination of the subject by language.
The century first amused itself with the verbal extravagance of the rebel and the jargon of his heirs. History will remember, with Elisabeth Roudinesco, that it is precisely this man who knew how to analyze in the most subtle way the transformations of the Western family, the decline of the paternal function, the contradictions of love, the illusions of the Revolution, the logic of madness.
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