How was language born? Is the family a universal institution? What is awareness? Does history have a definite direction? What is the contribution of attributive and acquired elements to our behaviors? Where do social inequalities originate?
Human sc ...
How was language born? Is the family a universal institution? What is awareness? Does history have a definite direction? What is the contribution of attributive and acquired elements to our behaviors? Where do social inequalities originate?
Human sciences emerged and developed in response to such questions. The questions are simple. But the answers are not so much.
This book can be considered the first comprehensive guide to learning about various fields of human sciences through theories, authors, and research.
Anthropology, Linguistics, Social Psychology, Sociology, Economics, History, Geography, Philosophy: It gives a perspective of the range of knowledge in these sciences.
The author, Jean-Francois Dortier, is one of the founders and editors of the Journal of Human Sciences in France.
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