The hero of the people is an odyssey like an odyssey in the history of mystical literature and art. The author starts the book now and from the image that people have of Ali (AS) in their minds. Ali (AS) has an important and influential role in the c ...
The hero of the people is an odyssey like an odyssey in the history of mystical literature and art. The author starts the book now and from the image that people have of Ali (AS) in their minds. Ali (AS) has an important and influential role in the culture of Iran, which is mainly It is made under the influence of a metahistorical and mythological image. In this book, the author shows us that the origin of this image goes back to the middle period of Iran's history, specifically in the 7th to 10th centuries of Hijri. This historical period is known above all for the convergence of Shiism and Sufism, and the closeness of the two greatly helped to create this image. On the other hand, Ali (a.s.) entered the pillar of people's culture through intentions and rituals, and through that, he expanded his scope to the field of art and architecture.
Keshanid, the author has exposed all these constructions by denying authentic sources and intertextual methods. In the intertextuality of the product, each of these offerings is considered a text that has influenced each other in reading at a time. This book shows that Ali (A.S.), regardless of theological and religious controversies, as a people's hero, penetrated the innermost social layers of Iran and was placed in such a position in a historical process and with cultural preparations.
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