The novel is the story of a girl named Gawhar whose mother was the temporary wife and her father leave them. Gawhar's uncle protect them and they pass hard days, till Gawhar reach to the age of marriage and decides to marry a boy; while his father fi ...
The novel is the story of a girl named Gawhar whose mother was the temporary wife and her father leave them. Gawhar's uncle protect them and they pass hard days, till Gawhar reach to the age of marriage and decides to marry a boy; while his father find her and Gawhar's life change. Her father is very rich; therefore her father's relatives want her to marry their sons. At last, she marry with her cousin, but after her father die, her relatives change their behaviour...
Swedish presentation-
Boken är skriven av ung kvinnlig debutant med kärlekstema. Det är många frågor som tas upp i romanen inte minst den som rör kampen mellan tradition och modernitet. Det förekommer en del nostalgiska känslor i boken men den blir aldrig sentimental. Det är en kvinnlig jagperson som har berättarperspektivet och man får veta en hel del om hur en ung iransk kvinna tänker om viktiga frågor.
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