The constitution of every country, as the highest legal authority and the basis for the approval of other laws and the establishment of institutions and bodies, expresses the rights and duties of the people and officials towards each other. Therefore ...
The constitution of every country, as the highest legal authority and the basis for the approval of other laws and the establishment of institutions and bodies, expresses the rights and duties of the people and officials towards each other. Therefore, by studying the constitution, it is possible to observe the views of the framers of the constitution the position of the people in it, and the mutual rights and duties of the people and the officials about each other. The Constitution and its amendment should be reviewed with the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Based on the results of the review of the Constitution and its amendment with the Constitution of the Republic, it can be concluded that the Constitutional Constitution is much richer than the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran. is not; So that almost no economic rights have been considered for the nation....