Killing Aunt Khanum is a novel written by Andrey Bursa, which was first published in 1981. The story of this book is told by York, a twenty-one-year-old student and an orphan who lives with his aunt. "I needed a purpose," Yorke says early i ...
Killing Aunt Khanum is a novel written by Andrey Bursa, which was first published in 1981. The story of this book is told by York, a twenty-one-year-old student and an orphan who lives with his aunt. "I needed a purpose," Yorke says early in the story, but this character presents himself as an aimless, confused, and unmotivated child. He is also capricious, and one morning, when Aunt Khanum asks him to hammer a nail into the wall, York suddenly hits Aunt Khanum on the head twice with a hammer. The result of York's work is not at all unexpected: "There was no doubt that the aunt was now a corpse." But now York must somehow get rid of the body; The problem turns out to be much more difficult than York imagined.
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