"Peser" is a Persian long story that revolves around a character named Amir Kolahi. The story begins with his presence in a nursing home and his request to be admitted there. Some parts of the story are narrated from the third person point ...
"Peser" is a Persian long story that revolves around a character named Amir Kolahi. The story begins with his presence in a nursing home and his request to be admitted there. Some parts of the story are narrated from the third person point of view and some parts are told by him himself, about his life, about Mahi, someone who respected him and cared for him, someone who died, like the fools, Amir believes that Mahi is not dead as they say. It means that dying like this does not suit the character of a fish at all, someone killed him and his death was not due to negligence in checking the gas. In the course of the book, we find out that Amir has psychological problems; That is, he says that he has had problems since childhood. He is supposed to be hospitalized, but he is different even from the people there, as well as from the people of the rational society...
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