"Chronicles of a Knife-wielding Man" is a book by "Hasan Hedayat", who is considered one of the prominent Iranian directors and story writers. He points out that in the early years of the seventies, he was first engaged in recreat ...
"Chronicles of a Knife-wielding Man" is a book by "Hasan Hedayat", who is considered one of the prominent Iranian directors and story writers. He points out that in the early years of the seventies, he was first engaged in recreational research on the role of Tehran's lots in social and political developments, and this research revealed remarkable facts to him; "Hasan Hedayat" has gradually realized that the relations of the Lotts with each other and with political currents are more rooted than what it seems and the extent of their role in social and political developments, like an internal mafia on the historical events of Iran. The Constitution has cast a shadow on the future. The historical span of one hundred years that "Hassan Hedayat" researched shows that in the majority of important social and cultural transformations of the country, traces of small knife cutters or thick-necked laths can be seen.
The facts revealed from these researches made "Hassan Hedayat" to go to one of the famous and old lots of Tehran called "Hashem Absardari". During numerous meetings and departures with "Hashem "Absardari", he managed to write his life story between 1324 and 1339 in the form of the book "Chronicles of a Knivesman Lot"; "Chronicles "One Lot of Knives" presents stunning stories of the life and relationships of this segment of society to the audience and is very special and unique in terms of the writing and language of the story.
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