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Sto myalό pollώn anthrώpwn tha eίnai gemάto me akraίes talaipwrίes, allά gia to «fws toy Thaddaeng», tόte o kόsmos sth fylakή ths eίnai oxeίa geύsh. Epeidή eίpe thn istorίa gύrw. Gia na deίte thn eytychίa poy έchei eisachtheί sth mέsh toy pόnoy. H pikrή afήghsh ths psychagwgίas twn gynaikώn epέtrepse sthn etikέta na eίnai "kakή", allά όchi "chamέnos" charaktήras, o kathέnas apό toys opoίoys h syggrafέas metabίbase me aplό trόpo th glώssa ths sthn omilίa ths. Deίchnei epίshs th zwή twn kratoymέnwn se mia poikilίa periptώsewn όpoy o pόnos, o pόnos, h thlίpsh, potέ monachikόs. Allά thn ίdia stigmή, o syggrafέas epimέnei. H agάph kai h eytychίa den periorίzontai potέ apό tόpo kai chrόno, allά mporeί na eίnai tόso lίga όso tha eίnai kάthe moίra.
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