Ta chrόnia ths athwόthtas eίnai to dwdέkato biblίo ths amerikanίdas Ίntith Goύorton kai thewreίtai to shmantikόtero mythistόrhmά ths kathώs kai έna apό ta spoydaiόtera mythistorήmata toy 20oύ aiώna. To biblίo prwtodhmosieύthke se ...
Ta chrόnia ths athwόthtas eίnai to dwdέkato biblίo ths amerikanίdas Ίntith Goύorton kai thewreίtai to shmantikόtero mythistόrhmά ths kathώs kai έna apό ta spoydaiόtera mythistorήmata toy 20oύ aiώna. To biblίo prwtodhmosieύthke se tέsseris synέcheies sto periodikό Pictorial Review, enώ όtan plέon ekdόthhke kanonikά chάrise sth syggrafέa toy to brabeίo poύlitzer to 1921 – axίzei na shmeiwtheί όti ήtan h prώth forά poy to brabeίo aponemήthhke se gynaίka. ws mέlos ths ypshlήs amerikάnikhs koinwnίas h ίdia, h Ίntith Goyόrton άskhse mέsw toy έrgoy ths aysthrόtath kritikή sta ypokritikά ths ήthh. Sta Chrόnia ths athwόthtas, h Goyόrton stήnei mia sygkinhtikή erwtikή istorίa anάmesa se έnan nearό fέrelpi dikhgόro, ton Nioύlant Άrtser, kai mia gynaίka me kalliέrgeia kai eyaisthhsίa poy epistrέfei apό thn Eyrώph sthn Amerikή drapeteύontas apό έnan dύskolo gάmo, thn kόmhssa Olέnska. H hrwίda ths Goyόrton eίnai aythentikή kai antisymbatikή kai diekdikeί to dikaίwmά ths na lέei eleύthera th gnώmh ths kai na epidiώkei thn eytychίa ths. Όmws mia gynaίka anexάrthth, ektόs gάmoy, den eίnai eύkolo na gίnei apodektή kathώs parekklίnei apό to sύnhthes prόtypo. O έrwtas poy tha gennhtheί den tha eyodwtheί lόgw twn asfyktikώn koinwnikώn symbάsewn sth Nέa Yόrkh toy 1870. To biblίo agapήthhke apό ekatommύria anagnώstes, enώ to 1993 metafέrthhke ston kinhmatogrάfo apό ton Mάrtin Skorsέze, sthn omόtitlh tainίa me prwtagwnistέs toys Ntάniel Ntέi-Lioύis, Misέl pfάifer kai Goyinόna Rάinter.
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