China, 1941. At the height of the Sino-Japanese conflict, the Republic of Nanking supported by Tokyo strengthens the clandestine fight against the resistance. One night, four intelligence agents - two men and two women - in the service of the puppet ...
China, 1941. At the height of the Sino-Japanese conflict, the Republic of Nanking supported by Tokyo strengthens the clandestine fight against the resistance. One night, four intelligence agents - two men and two women - in the service of the puppet government of Wang Jingwei as cryptographers are escorted to the famous Qiu Estate, two isolated buildings on the outskirts of Hangzhou. They have been summoned by the headquarters of the imperial army because a spy is hiding among them. Ghost Name. Jin, Wu, Li and Gu must remain locked up until the traitor is unmasked.
Separating the truth from the lies, however, is not Each of the people under suspicion places a limit on what they are willing to reveal, each has a story to tell to support their integrity. And each version is capable of overturning the previous one.
So who is guilty? Who is innocent? No one knows what to believe, but the truth, if it really is the truth, has its price.
After working for a long time in the Chinese secret services, alongside agents and cryptanalysts, Mai Jia transfers her profound experience into a high-tension spy story that, against the backdrop of one of the great wars in history, takes on the charm of a mathematical puzzle.
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