Oedipus, obeying the oracle, solves the riddle of the Sphinx, kills his father, and marries his mother. The plague descends on Thebes, which has crowned an incest and a parricide. When a shepherd reveals the truth, the infernal machine of the gods ex ...
Oedipus, obeying the oracle, solves the riddle of the Sphinx, kills his father, and marries his mother. The plague descends on Thebes, which has crowned an incest and a parricide. When a shepherd reveals the truth, the infernal machine of the gods explodes. Oedipus gouges out his eyes and his mother hangs herself. Inspired by the theater of Sophocles, Cocteau brings back to life the great Greek figures: Oedipus, Jocasta, Antigone, and Creon. He philosophizes like a virtuoso. No, man is not free. He is born blind and the gods rule his destiny. Even the hero, the one who stands out from the crowd, must submit. This great text says everything about man with infinite humor and poetry.
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