"One Thousand and One Nights" is an eternal collection of multi-national legendary stories that "Abdul Latif Tasoji" translated into Farsi. The stories of "One Thousand and One Nights" are a combination of ancient Irania ...
"One Thousand and One Nights" is an eternal collection of multi-national legendary stories that "Abdul Latif Tasoji" translated into Farsi. The stories of "One Thousand and One Nights" are a combination of ancient Iranian, Arabic, and Indian stories that mainly take place in Baghdad and Iran. "Abdul Latif Tasoji" is a translator and writer of the Qajar era, who translated this amazing work from Arabic to Persian by the order of one of the Qajar princes, this translation was so excellent that it is still cited by researchers and studied by interested readers. is placed
One of the remarkable aspects of the book "One Thousand and One Nights" is the active and conscious role that women have in it. Shahrazad herself, as the narrator of the story, who is also the daughter of the minister, succeeds in coming out alive every night from the deadly clutches of the tyrannical king, and besides her, the female characters of the stories she tells are all active. And from powerful to cunning, they play a role. Shahryar, marries a girl every night and then kills her, this time he is fascinated by Shahrazad's stories and every night he is thirsty to hear the next story. Shahrazad consciously controls his story-telling process and stories are the key to his salvation. What can be seen in the content of these stories and their constructive content shows that Shahrazad chose this role very consciously and by shielding his chest against the oppression of the autocratic kingdom, he tries to prevent the blood of innocent people from being spilled on his hands. prevent him
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