Language, as a communication tool, is a means of expressing one's cognitive and emotional abilities. A person's view of the surrounding world and the personal and individual life of humans is made objective through language, but what is lan ...
Language, as a communication tool, is a means of expressing one's cognitive and emotional abilities. A person's view of the surrounding world and the personal and individual life of humans is made objective through language, but what is language and what role does it play in a person's thinking? What are the effective factors in the language learning process? What is a language disorder and how is it treated?
Catherine Helen Saints, the mother of Albert Camus, the famous French writer who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1957, had a language disorder, but how could she teach her child language? Albert Einstein was nicknamed the "slow mind" due to his disorder. How could he achieve this high scientific position?
Alber's "mother" was strangely silent, she tells us about the language disorder: regardless of abilities and lack of abilities, by looking at the opinions of researchers in the field of education, we find that the child is an active being and social interaction is always between the child and The people around him are established, in other words, the community gives direction to the thinking process and cognitive processes of the child.
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