In Monticoune, there had never been an uglier child, or even in the whole world. He never stopped wondering why he had this fate.
It is no longer a question here, for our young hero, to set out, as in the classic tales, to
win the hand of a beautif ...
In Monticoune, there had never been an uglier child, or even in the whole world. He never stopped wondering why he had this fate.
It is no longer a question here, for our young hero, to set out, as in the classic tales, to
win the hand of a beautiful princess, but of getting rid of his
terrible ugliness.
Some tell him that inner beauty is stronger than his physique, which remains an appearance. Others advise him to visit the 7-headed monster that
lives in the neighboring forest, surely the cause of his sad fate.
So, he trains day and night to defeat the monster.
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