O diakekrimέnos aystralόs istorikόs Tzon Chirst synthέtei to panόrama ths eyrwpaϊkήs istorίas xekinώntas apό thn archaiόthta kai ftάnontas ws tis mέres mas. Se kάthe kefάlaio toy anά cheίras biblίoy estiάzei se mia sygkekrimέnh pt ...
O diakekrimέnos aystralόs istorikόs Tzon Chirst synthέtei to panόrama ths eyrwpaϊkήs istorίas xekinώntas apό thn archaiόthta kai ftάnontas ws tis mέres mas. Se kάthe kefάlaio toy anά cheίras biblίoy estiάzei se mia sygkekrimέnh ptychή: sthn exέlixh twn morfώn diakybέrnhshs? sthn proέleysh kai sthn poikilίa twn glwssώn ston eyrwpaϊkό chώro? sta paichnίdia exoysίas metaxύ papώn kai aytokratόrwn, kathώs kai stis epidromέs kai tis kataktήseis poy diamόrfwsan th fysiognwmίa ths hpeίroy. Katά thn exέlixh twn gegonόtwn, o anagnώsths έchei epίshs thn eykairίa na gnwrίsei έnan apίthano prwtagwnistikό thίaso: apό eysebeίs ippόtes έws filopόlemoys pάpes, apό germanoύs romantikoύs έws gάlloys epanastάtes, apό aploύs anthrώpoys έws idiofyeίs hgέtes.
Employtismέno me chάrtes, diagrάmmata kai eikόnes, to sύntomo aytό biblίo eίnai mia oxyderkήs, proklhtikή allά kai chioymoristikή katagrafή ths exέlixhs enόs apό toys shmantikόteroys anthrώpinoys politismoύs.
Tha to diabάsete se dyo mέres allά tha to thymάste mia zwή
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