The latest novel by Almudena Grandes. In a perfect world of compulsory happiness, denouncing lies can cost you your life.
Spain shortly. A new political party called Movimiento Ciudadano ¡Soluciones Ya! has swept the elections. Its shadow leader ...
The latest novel by Almudena Grandes. In a perfect world of compulsory happiness, denouncing lies can cost you your life.
Spain shortly. A new political party called Movimiento Ciudadano ¡Soluciones Ya! has swept the elections. Its shadow leader is a successful businessman who advocates that the Council of Ministers function as a board of directors and has ambitious plans to fix the country. After a wave of vandalism, he will form a new body of Vigilantes; after a Great Blackout, he will create limited access to the internet and, in the face of difficulties, he will encourage unlimited freedom to buy and consume. All of these will be extraordinary measures because the country is facing new pandemics that demand that security be taken care of above all else. Only a group of ordinary men and women will dare to dismantle the lies of the new regime in which everything appears to be improving when in reality we live under the abuses of unscrupulous powerful people.
A novel of political anticipation starring unforgettable characters, Everything Will Get Better is the legacy of a great narrator who once again manages to move us and raise awareness.